Download events packages and other materials relating to our ‘Sharing Repton: Historic Landscapes For All’ project.
Case Study on Garden History Social Event
Overview presentation on the Garden History Social Event pilot
Method Statement for Garden History Social Event
A template invitation poster to a garden history social event (with Somali translation)
A template photo release form for attendees
A historic garden leaflet for a new audience – imitators welcome! (inside page pdf)
A historic garden leaflet for a new audience – imitators welcome! (outside page pdf)
A historic garden leaflet for a new audience – imitators welcome! (inside page Word)
A historic garden leaflet for a new audience – imitators welcome! (inside page Word)
Garden History Personality Display Board – imitators welcome! (Word)
Historic Garden Display Board – imitators welcome! (Word)
Historic Garden Display Board – imitators welcome! (pdf)
Garden History Lucky Dip method statement
Garden History Lucky Dip Prompt Sheet Curiosity Level
Case Study on facilitated excursion
Overview presentation on the Family Excursion pilot
Method statement (ie full instructions and day structure) for a family excursion
Instructions for an activity to help families appreciate historic designed views
Instructions for a tree measuring activity
Method statement for excursion for care home residents
Northamptonshire GT Journal Article on excursion for care home residents
Overview presentation on the Open Day pilot
Poster for multicultural family open day
Risk Assessment for large open day
Brief for volunteers helping at multicultural open day
Press release for multicultural open day, pre and post event
Evaluation report for large open day at Catton Park 2018
Method Statement for small open day
Press release for small open day
Template for garden design activity
Step by Step guide to running a Heritage Open Day
Case Study on research and recording project for new volunteers
Overview presentation on the Research and Recording project pilot
Description of the Warley Woods Big Red Book Project by its participants
Research and Recording Project recruitment flyer (front)
Research and Recording project recruitment flyer (back)
Method statement for a workshop on writing up Research and Recording for a conservation purpose
Statement of Significance written by new volunteers
Brief for designer of leaflet about Warley Woods and its history
Risk Assessment for a open day at Warley Woods
Evaluation sheet template for open day
Overview presentation on the Schools Project pilot
Research and Recording project recruitment flyer for schools (front)
Research and Recording project recruitment flyer for schools (back)
Script for explaining Humphry Repton to children aged 9-11 years
Method Statement for a garden buildings activity for children
Method Statement for a workshop with Archives for schools
Method statement for Heritage Values school workshop
Presentation on Heritage Values for school children aged c9-11 years
Case Study on super-introductory conservation workshop
Overview presentation on super-introductory conservation workshop
Introductory Conservation Workshop Participant Feedback
Conservation Workshop Day 1 Programme
Introductory Conservation Workshop Day 1 Feedback Form
Conservation Workshop Day 2 Programme
Introductory Conservation Workshop Day 2 Park Survey Questionnaire
Introductory Conservation Workshop Day 2 Park Survey Questionnaire Features List