This article about the fruit of the Mughals from Afghanistan is part of a series to mark South Asian History... (more)
This article about Indigofera, the indigo plant from what is now Bangladesh, is part of a series to mark South... (more)
This article about Daphne Bholua, the paper plant of Nepal, is part of a series to mark South Asian History... (more)
This article about the deodar tree of Pakistan is part of a series to mark South Asian History Month by... (more)
Today the Gardens Trust and Historic England formally launch Suffolk’s Unforgettable Garden Story, our project to discover, celebrate and protect... (more)
This article about the pitcher plant of Sri Lanka is part of a series to mark South Asian History Month... (more)
This article about turmeric is part of a series to mark South Asian History Month by exploring this year’s theme... (more)
In January this year we were consulted about an application for a Certificate of Lawful Use which would have allowed... (more)
Our journal Garden History marks its 50th anniversary in 2022, and we want to start the next 50 years with... (more)
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