CGT Research for Unforgettable Gardens

County Gardens Trusts around the country are working on projects to research and record important local gardens and landscapes as part of our Unforgettable Gardens campaign. This is in addition to arranging events, lectures, visits and activity online or on social media to draw attention to these very special places.If you would like to volunteer to […]

GT seeks Governance and Diversity Consultant

The Gardens Trust is looking for a governance and diversity consultant to work with the board of trustees on a governance review. This is part of the work enabled by our recent National Lottery Heritage Fund grant. Consultancy Purpose The purpose of the governance and diversity consultancy is to facilitate a governance review process with […]

The Gardens Trust launches new project to grow for the future

The project is designed to grow the Garden Trust’s resilience for the future, particularly by improving our ability to reach new people from a broad range of cultural backgrounds. We are excited about ensuring that our work can have more impact and on broader foundations. The total project cost is £95,700, of which £75,700 is […]

Jardins de Villandry, Loire, France

Unforgettable Garden of the Month nominated by Gillian Mawrey, Historic Gardens Foundation The Jardins de Villandry consist of seven hectares of gardens surrounding a Renaissance château. They are some of the best-known gardens in the world, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors a year to admire the spectacular plantings. Yet at the end of the 19th century […]