
GT Non-Designated Heritage Assets – July 2024

GT Webinar Presentation PDF – Designations – October 2020

GT – Designations Protecting the Historic Designed Landscape – 2019

GT – Enriching the List – 2017

GT – Local Listing – 2017

EH – Presentation – Designating our Designed Landscape Heritage

EH – Designation Selection Guide: Urban Landscapes – 2018

EH – Designation Selection Guide: Rural Landscapes – 2018

EH Designation Selection Guide: Garden and Park Structures – 2017

EH – Designation Selection Guide: Landscapes of Remembrance – 2018

EH – Designation Selection Guide: War Memorial Parks and Gardens – 2015

EH – Designation Selection Guide: Institutional Landscapes – 2018

EH – Landscape Advice Note Examples of post-1945 Designed Landscapes – 2013

EH – Paradise Preserved: Registered Cemeteries – 2011