Gardens Trust seeks fundraising consultant

The Gardens Trust is looking for a fundraising consultant to help us develop a three-year fundraising strategy. We are inviting tenders for 10 days work between January and the end of March 2022. The work will include the development of a fundraising case for support, a three-year fundraising strategy, an implementation plan and recommendations for membership development.

This work is part of our Engaging with our Future project, a resilience project funded with thanks to Lottery players.

Fundraising Consultant activities

The successful candidate will need to:

  • Complete a review of current fundraising (income generation) activity and work with the Board of Trustees and Gardens Trust committees to identify opportunities for fundraising development.
  • Identify opportunities for ‘quick wins’ from existing income generation activities.
  • Prepare and deliver one fundraising workshop with key Gardens Trust stakeholders including the Board, selected staff and volunteers. This will help to shape the fundraising case for support and feed ideas into the fundraising plan.
  • Analyse and synthesise all data and insights to inform fundraising aims and objectives.
  • Prepare a three-year fundraising strategy and costed annual delivery plan for sign off by the Gardens Trust trustees.
  • Identify key skills gaps for the Gardens Trust staff and volunteers  and propose plans for addressing them to ensure successful delivery of the plan and to sustain future income generation activity.

Download the GT Fundraising Strategy Consultancy Brief 2021 for further details.

The deadline for applications is midnight on 25th November 2021, and they should be emailed to Teresa Forey at the Gardens Trust.

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith