Meet County Gardens Trusts at Blooming Gardens

Wisteria at Wrest Park

Meet local County Gardens Trust members at the Blooming Gardens weekends which will be held in June at major English Heritage gardens. Blooming Gardens is their annual celebration of our horticultural heritage and is an opportunity to enjoy these fine historic gardens at their best. Do come along, and visit our  stands to learn more about what we do and what we offer.

County Garden Trust (CGT) members will be there to meet visitors, explain the work of the Gardens Trust and CGTs, and share information about other unforgettable gardens in the county. You can hear about the benefits of becoming a member and supporting our work, whether you have a busy working life or have time to get more involved. The stands will all have displays showing the importance of protecting our historic gardens and landscapes for the future.

Detail of display about the value of historic gardens
Detail of Gardens Trust display about the value of historic gardens

Blooming gardens around the country

Blooming Gardens events will be held at English Heritage sites around the country, with the first ones taking place over the weekend of 12/13 June. Bedfordshire GT will be at Wrest Park and Northumberland GT at Belsay Hall, with a display including photos of local unforgettable gardens. At Osborne House Isle of Wight GT members will have their publications and a display highlighting our charitable work. Kent GT will be at the Blooming Gardens event at Walmer Castle on the following weekend, 19/20 June. They will also have books on sale and copies of reports they have done to view.

View of Wrest Park across the long water
Wrest Park © Phoebe Taplin

On the final weekend, 26/27 June, you can meet Yorkshire GT at Brodsworth Hall and Hereford and Worcester GT at Witley Court, where they will be highlighting the survey and analysis work they do and have both free publications and books for sale. And at Audley End Essex CGT, who are celebrating their silver anniversary, will be accompanied by their Artist in Residence, Jane Frederick, on Saturday 26th June. She will be talking about her exciting Garden Seekers Project.

Jane Frederick sketching at Melford Hall
Essex CGT Artist in Residence Jane Frederick sketching at Melford Hall

If you would like to learn more about the beautiful gardens and landscapes in your county, or help us care and protect them, then please join us or get involved as a volunteer. There are lots of opportunities available and, whether small or more challenging, they are interesting and enjoyable. County Garden Trusts always welcome new volunteers to our friendly and dedicated teams.

Find your local CGT

Photo of Wisteria at Wrest Park © Phoebe Taplin

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith