The Gardens Trust welcomes the news that Alan Titchmarsh MBE has become the new President of Hampshire Gardens Trust, taking over from Gilly Drummond OBE who has been President since 2010. Gardens Trust Chairman, Peter Hughes, was delighted when he heard: “There is no one who has done more over the years to foster the nation’s love of its gardens and gardening. Hampshire GT are indeed fortunate to have him as their new President.”
HGT welcomes Alan Titchmarsh
The Hampshire Gardens Trust (HGT) Chairman, Ted Wake says, “As all Chairmen know, it is crucial to have the right President in place to help steer an organisation in the right direction. I am particularly delighted that Alan Titchmarsh has kindly agreed to take on this role. Alan is one of the most respected and popular gardening gurus in the UK.
As Alan knows well, Gilly Drummond is highly respected as the key founding member of the HGT. Gilly’s involvement in the organisation over the last 37 years has helped ensure that the HGT’s reputation in Hampshire and throughout England is second to none. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Gilly on behalf of all members for her extraordinary work over the years. Her energy and enthusiasm sets a great example of what can be achieved – and with Alan’s help, I have no doubt that the HGT Trustees and members will be able to make Gilly very proud of the legacy that she has left.”

Alan Titchmarsh, who joined as a Life Member of the Trust in 2012, says “My admiration for the work of the Hampshire Gardens Trust – and of Gilly Drummond’s achievements – knows no bounds and I am honoured and delighted to take over from her as President. Gilly has set the bar high, but I am confident that the Trust will continue to make its mark and demonstrate that the county of Hampshire is among the most blessed when it comes to the gardens it cherishes and the expertise and enthusiasm of those who do their bit as custodians of our enviable horticultural heritage. I’ll do my best to come up to scratch!”
Gilly Drummond comments
Gilly Drummond added “This is a very joyful occasion for the Hampshire Gardens Trust: a new President, Alan Titchmarsh, whose track record on plants, gardens and above all, his ability to encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to appreciate gardens, plants and green spaces is second to none.
I have done my best for nearly forty years, and with the unstinting support of Hampshire County Council, the HGT has been able to lead the way in involving and training volunteers, particularly in research, conservation and development – all of which are essential to the protection and conservation of Hampshire’s remarkable heritage of great gardens, parks and designed landscapes. Our members are critical both in enabling the Trust to do so much, and our newest project, ‘Garden Plans for Schools’, is an excellent example of what the HGT can do to help encourage young people throughout Hampshire to become more aware of the landscape in which we live, and the opportunities there are to grow and nurture the plants and trees which grow within it.
I need to thank all members of the HGT and to express my gratitude, particularly to the HGT Trustees and our indefatigable administrator, Jo Bolt, for their support, enthusiasm, knowledge, and generosity. I have been incredibly fortunate to have been involved with the Hampshire Gardens Trust for so many years and believe strongly that it has contributed in a very positive way to the quality of life for so many in this great county. Now with Alan Titchmarsh as our President, and the team of hardworking Trustees, it can only get better! Good luck and keep going!”
For more information about Hampshire Gardens Trust please visit, or you can find them on Twitter and Instagram @hampshiregardenstrust