Recruiting and Retaining Volunteers

GT – Setting Up Volunteer Projects (MOVES) – 2017

GT Recruiting Active Volunteers handout 2011

GT Presentation – Introduction to CGTs for NADFAS and OGT – 2014

GT – SE Forum Kent Compendium Review Project – 2011

GT – SE Forum Recruiting active volunteers – 2011

GT – SE Forum Training and Support Priorities – 2011

GT – Volunteers Presentation ‘Mini Moves’ – 2014

Cheshire GT – Oral History Volunteer Role Description – 2014

Cheshire GT – Research and Recording Volunteer Role Description – 2014

Cheshire GT – Transcription Volunteer Role Description – 2014

Cheshire GT – Summary of Research and Working in Partnership – 2012

Cheshire GT -Volunteer Policy – 2007

NADFAS Parks and Gardens – Presentation to CGTs East Region – 2016

Sussex GT- Promotional Presentation – 2013

Sussex GT – Questionnaire for Local Listing Workshop – 2013

Sussex GT – Research Work Promotional Article – 2013