Photography and media volunteer wanted to help share Suffolk’s garden stories

Spring view of sunlight through a tree beside a stream and path in Holywells Park, Suffolk

Suffolk’s Unforgettable Garden Story is a project funded by Historic England that is training volunteers to research and record historic parks and gardens across Suffolk. This research will contribute to increasing the number of sites on the National Heritage List for England (NHLE) and will increase the representation of, as well as celebrate, Suffolk’s many wonderful historic designed landscapes.

About the role

The project is seeking a volunteer to help produce photographs, short videos and audio recordings of volunteer participation, with a focus on capturing site visits to historic parks and gardens. This would suit somebody with some photography and media experience who would like to volunteer their time to help us share research and outcomes from the project as well as the fascinating stories behind historic designed landscapes in Suffolk.

Photographs and media will be shared on our social media, website and via promotional materials with the aim of making the project appeal to a broad spectrum of audiences that will hopefully inspire others to get involved or to set up a similar project in their county.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for a volunteer ideally based in Suffolk, who can commit to the project between now and June and is willing to travel (these expenses will be covered by us).

If you’re interested and want to find out more please get in touch with Volunteer Support Officer

Download the SUGS Photography & Media Volunteer Role Description here.

Read more about Suffolk’s Unforgettable Garden Story project here.

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith