The Gardens Trust is really pleased to announce that Sally Bate is joining us as a new part-time HLP officer.... (more)

Linden Groves recently wrote an article for the journal of the Landscape Institute about how the Gardens Trust is supporting... (more)

Dr Jim Bartos, Chairman of The Gardens Trust, has signed a letter to The Times about the destruction of historic... (more)

Entries are open for the Horticulture Week Custodian Awards 2019 – the leading industry Awards scheme supporting, encouraging and broadcasting... (more)

The Gardens Trust is looking to appoint a part-time Historic Landscape Project Officer. This role supports our work with volunteers... (more)

The Gardens Trust and local allotment holders were relieved to hear that the planning inspector has upheld a planning decision... (more)

We have just published another new on-line issue of our journal Garden History. Dr Barbara Simms, our Journal Editor introduces... (more)

The GT Volunteer of the Year Award 2019 is now open for entries. This annual award celebrates the efforts of... (more)

We are delighted to be able to start the New Year with good news on two developments that would have... (more)