Wicksteed Park plans to reinstate a fountain and rose garden have got the green light from the Gardens Trust. We... (more)
Dr Jim Bartos, Chairman of The Gardens Trust, has signed a letter to The Times about the destruction of historic... (more)
We have just published another new on-line issue of our journal Garden History. Dr Barbara Simms, our Journal Editor introduces... (more)
The GT Volunteer of the Year Award 2019 is now open for entries. This annual award celebrates the efforts of... (more)
Does it give you a buzz of excitement when others share your enjoyment of historic parks and gardens? If so,... (more)
The Gilly Drummond Volunteer of the Year 2018 was awarded jointly to Sally Bate of Norfolk Gardens Trust and Jill... (more)
The Gardens Trust (GT) and County Gardens Trusts are dismayed by the outcome of three cases in just the past... (more)
Gardens, parks and tree management stars sought as Custodian Awards 2018 opens for entries Horticulture Week is delighted to welcome... (more)
The International Garden Photographer of the Year award and the National Trust’s Sheringham Park are celebrating the life of landscape... (more)
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