Photography competition celebrates Repton

The International Garden Photographer of the Year award and the National Trust’s Sheringham Park are celebrating the life of landscape gardener Humphry Repton with a special award for photographs of his landscapes.

The 2017 special award is for images taken at places he helped to design, ahead of next year’s celebrations of Humphry Repton. The National Trust will give prizes of  vouchers for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Winning images will also be shown in an exhibition at Sheringham Park next year and in the annual book of the photography competition.

Repton redesigned Sheringham Park in 1812 and visitors still enjoy the views he created. In the Red Book for it he said “Sheringham possessed more natural beauty and local advantages than any place I have ever seen.” The National Trust looks after seven other Repton sites: Antony in Cornwall, Attingham in Shropshire, Plas Newydd in Anglesey, Tatton Park in Cheshire, Uppark in West Sussex and Wimpole in Cambridgeshire.

If you want to know whether your photographs are of Repton sites, check our draft list of extant landscapes designed by Repton.

Photographers can enter the competition until 31st December 2017. (Photo of Sheringham Park by Justin Minns)

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith