Nigel Neil wites: Dr Neil’s Garden, which some GHS members visited after the AGM & Summer Conference in 2007, has... (more)
Amber Hare writes: In a period perhaps best characterized by social and economic pandemonium, one must not only prepare for... (more)
Anthony du Gard Pasley, who died on 2 October 2009, was above all a garden designer, but he was also... (more)
Hestercombe Gardens, Somerset comprises three heritage gardens from different periods: a Georgian Landscape; Victorian Terrace and Shrubbery; and the famous... (more)
On 22 January, Rachel Hill of the Environment Agency presented the current stage in the development of the Thames Estuary... (more)
In recent times there has been a revival of interest in old varieties of fruit trees (note the popularity and... (more)
Noguchi was one of the most significant modern sculptors and garden makers of the 20th century. He was moved by... (more)
“Without a library and archive at its heart a learning institution becomes no more than a trade union for its... (more)
London, 24 & 25 October 2008 Park-led regeneration involves major investment, so one of the first questions tends to be... (more)
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