Admin and Membership Officer job


GT Seeks Admin and Membership Officer

The Gardens Trust is recruiting for a part-time Administration and Membership Officer. We are looking for a self-motivated team-worker to help with the organisation, coordination,... continue


Hare Hill, Cheshire

Hare Hill Garden in Cheshire, Unforgettable Garden of the Month, nominated by Barbara Moth of Cheshire Gardens Trust Created mainly by Francis Brocklehurst from 1879-1902... continue

Photo of tree in Brandon Country Park in Suffolk


GT seeks Volunteer Support Officer

The Gardens Trust is looking for a self-motivated person to work as a Volunteer Support Officer. They will work with the Gardens Trust’s existing Volunteer Support Team... continue

Photograph of Lou Cooper


Farewell to Lou Cooper

At the end of 2021 the Gardens Trust said farewell to staff stalwart Lou Cooper. Over almost two decades, Lou played a vital part as Administrator, first for the Garden History... continue