The Gardens Trust is a UK national charity dedicated to the research and conservation of designed landscapes and to campaigning on their behalf. As the statutory consultee in England for registered parks and gardens, the Gardens Trust plays a key conservation role, and more widely supports the County and Country Gardens Trusts in protecting and conserving our landscape heritage. The Gardens Trust was formed in 2015 from the merger of the Garden History Society (GHS) and the Association of Gardens Trusts (AGT).
Our Charitable Objectives
The charitable objectives of the Gardens Trust are for the public benefit:
- To promote the study of the history of gardens and gardening, landscape gardening and horticulture in all its aspects
- To promote the protection and conservation of historic parks, gardens and designed landscapes and to promote and advise on their conservation
- To promote County and Country Gardens Trusts and through them education, appreciation and involvement of the public in matters connected with the arts and sciences of garden land
- To encourage the creation of new parks, gardens and designed landscape.
The Vision of the Gardens Trust is to conserve England’s diverse and valuable collection of historic gardens, designed landscapes and green spaces for the discovery and enjoyment of all our communities.
The Mission is to conserve, educate, campaign and communicate the significance and benefits of historic gardens, designed landscape and green spaces to a wider audience.
Our Organisation
The Gardens Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee constituted under Articles of Association and is a registered charity number 1053446. The Trust is a membership organisation; members include individual members and County and Country Gardens Trusts. The Trust has a President and Vice Presidents. The Trust is managed by a Board of Directors, who are also Trustees of the Charity for the purposes of the Charity Commission. The Trust’s members elect members of the Board at the Annual General Meeting. Board members are elected for a three-year term of office, and are then required to retire at the next AGM, but are eligible for re-election for a further three-year term.
The Board has Committees responsible for: Management; Conservation; Education and Training; and Audience Development, Marketing and Communications. The Board and Committees generally meet quarterly, with additional ad hoc meetings as required. The Trust employs staff to organise its administration and finance, conservation work, engagement, and support for the County and Country Gardens Trusts.
The Board prepares an Annual Report and Financial Statements to comply with the current statutory requirements, the requirements of the Company’s governing document and the provisions of the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP): ‘Accounting and Reporting by Charities’ issued in March 2005.