LPGT launch appeal to protect Victoria Tower Gardens

The Gardens Trust wholeheartedly supports the London Parks & Gardens Trust (LPGT) in their efforts to protect the Grade-II listed Victoria Tower Gardens. They have now launched a judicial review of the Government’s decision to call in the planning application to build a large National Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre on this public park next to the Houses of Parliament.

As the Government have already publicly committed to going ahead with the project we agree with LPGT’s director Dr Helen Monger that this creates a massive conflict of interest. Both LPGT and the Gardens Trust fully support the creation of the Memorial and Learning Centre, but we believe that Victoria Tower Gardens is not the right site.

View of Victoria Tower Gardens after proposed development
The view of Victoria Tower Gardens after the proposed development (courtesy LPGT)

It is unlawful for planning decisions like this to be taken without institutional separation so that the decision-maker has complete independence from any influence by the project’s promoter. How can any Minister adjudicate impartially on a planning application when his own Government has publicly committed to the project going ahead?

Helen and her colleagues have been working tirelessly to put together the documentation required to take this action.  She has secured appropriate legal support and has now launched a Crowdjustice funding campaign towards the potential costs of around £20,000.  If you would like to support them you can find full details and pledge a sum on their Crowdjustice page.

Photo top left: Victoria Tower Gardens during lockdown (courtesy LPGT)

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith