Syon Park Allotments win at appeal

Park Road Allotments, Syon Park

The Gardens Trust and local allotment holders were relieved to hear that the planning inspector has upheld a planning decision which protects Park Road Allotments and the adjoining Syon Park from a proposed development. The London Borough of Hounslow had refused planning permission for a proposed development of eight blocks of flats and houses on […]

Humphry Repton and Horticulture

We have just published another new on-line issue of our journal Garden History. Dr Barbara Simms, our Journal Editor introduces it: Garden History 47: supplement 1 Spring 2019 Repton and Horticuture The Proceedings of a Conference held at the Dorothy Fox Education Centre, Sheffield Botanical Gardens, on 20 and 21 September 2018 The Gardens Trust […]

GT Volunteer of the Year Award 2019 now open

The GT Volunteer of the Year Award 2019 is now open for entries.  This annual award celebrates the efforts of people who have made a special contribution to the work of the Gardens Trust or their County or Country Gardens Trust. It honours the volunteers whose efforts have greatly added to the conservation, enjoyment and […]