Volunteer Award

We are now accepting nominations for the Gardens Trust Volunteer Award 2025.

The Volunteer Award is intended to celebrate volunteers and recognise the value of volunteering; showcase volunteers and the contribution they make; and encourage volunteering through a variety of roles.

You can read about the winners of last year’s Award here –  Barbara Moth and Claire de Carle.


Anybody can nominate someone they know for the Award, but candidates must be active volunteers with either a County Gardens Trust or the Gardens Trust. They can be nominated as an individual or as a team.

Candidates will need to be volunteers involved in at least one of the following, in the past 2 years:

  • Making a difference to the day to day running of a County Gardens Trust or the national Gardens Trust
  • The research and conservation aspects of a County Gardens Trust or the national Gardens Trust
  • Work for a County Gardens Trust or the Gardens Trust to reach new audiences to encourage interest and/or involvement in garden history

We are proud that there are many other volunteers, including those who are particularly long-serving, and intend to thank them in other ways. Please email Catherine.ford@thegardenstrust.org if there is someone you would like to highlight.

To make a nomination

Please complete the nomination form below by Friday 30th May 2025. You may wish to email Catherine sooner to check that your nominee hasn’t already been put forward by someone else.

Alternatively you can download a GT Volunteer Award Application Form here and return this to Catherine.ford@thegardenstrust.org.

The winner will receive a unique framed certificate and glass keepsake, and will be announced at our Volunteer Celebration at Stowe on Tuesday 9 July – more details to follow.

Volunteer Award 2025 Application Form