Report on the 2020 AGM of the Gardens Trust

The Garden Trust’s sixth AGM was held on 5th September 2020 by Zoom. Due to COVID-19 and the restrictions on public gatherings, the AGM was held as a closed meeting for Board members only. Members were encouraged to participate in the meeting by sending in their proxy votes. A total of 76 Proxy Forms were received from Individual Members and 19 from CGTs.

The deaths of the following members were noted with sadness:  Peter Hayden (Vice President of the GHS and the GT, former GHS Chairman and Treasurer); Ray Desmond (Life Vice President of the GHS and GT and founder member of the GHS); Andrew Semple; Herbert Robinson; Keith Honess; Gill West; and James Russell.

Due to the unusual circumstances this year, the meeting dealt with procedural matters only. Instead, written reports from the Board of Directors, Treasurer and Committee Chairs were incorporated into the notice of the meeting. A Five Year Review written by James Bartos was tabled. Trustees agreed that this is an excellent record of the Trust’s achievements during the five years since the merger.

The minutes of the fifth AGM (held on 7th September 2019) and the re-appointment of Averillo & Associates as Independent Examiners were agreed and the Accounts for the year ending 31 December 2019 were received.

Robert Peel, John Sales and Steffie Shields were re-elected as Vice Presidents for a further term of five years and James Bartos and Michael Symes were elected as Vice Presidents for an initial term of five years. Sarah Dickinson and Lisa Watson were re-appointed as Directors for a term of one year, which will bring their term of office to the maximum term of six years. James Bartos stood down as Chairman of the GT at the AGM and Christopher Blandford was elected as a Director.

At the close of the meeting, the outgoing chairman (above left) was presented with a book on the wines of Bordeaux and a case of wine from the region as a token of appreciation for all the hard work that he has done over the last five years.

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith