
If you remember the Gardens Trust in your will you can continue to support our work to protect and conserve the UK’s unrivalled parks, gardens and designed landscapes long into the future.

Since the Garden History Society – one of the precursors of the Gardens Trust – was formed over 50 years ago, we have helped to save or conserve scores of important gardens. Rather than concentrate our efforts on owning a small number of gardens we spread our advice and help as widely as we can. We do this through our statutory casework, our advice, our publications, our campaigning and our research and education.

We rely on the generous help of our members and supporters. Without legacies we would have to reduce our activities. By leaving a legacy you can dramatically help the Gardens Trust’s conservation work.

It is extremely helpful for us to know when people have been kind enough to remember the Gardens Trust in their wills, or are actively intending to do so shortly.