Historic landscapes saved at Kings Weston and Parlington

Historic landscape and house at Kings Weston, Bristol

We are delighted to be able to start the New Year with good news on two developments that would have caused substantial harm to historic landscapes in Bristol and Yorkshire. Coordinated campaigns by CGT volunteers, the GT conservation team, Historic England, local action groups, residents and councillors have helped to save landscapes under threat at Kings Weston in Bristol and Parlington in Yorkshire.

Success at Kings Weston

The Kings Weston Action Group in Bristol had good news to announce just before Christmas. Repeated planning applications since 2011 for harmful developments on land within the conservation area and the boundary of the Kings Weston Grade-II-Registered parkland (Kings Weston house pictured, courtesy AGT) have come to an end with the purchase of the land by a sympathetic owner. The most recent application for the land beside Penpole Lane, known as the Karakal site or Fairways, proposed to install 77 shipping containers, surrounded by an 8-foot high security fence, for a self-storage business. The Gardens Trust and Avon Gardens Trust joined the Kings Weston Action Group and local residents in opposing this damaging development. The land has now been bought by Karakal, who own the existing adjacent building and wish to preserve the area as it is.

Avon Gardens Trust
Kings Weston Action Group

Great News for Parlington

The proposed development of hundreds of houses at Parlington in Yorkshire has been deleted from the Leeds CC Site Allocation Plan (SAP) by HM Inspectors. YGT trust that this will be ratified by Leeds CC Councillors at an imminent meeting and that Parlington will continue to be a well-loved, historic designed landscape and wildlife site in the Green Belt. Our congratulations to the Save Parlington Action Group, local councillors and MP, officers of Historic England, Susan and Dick of YGT and many others who have campaigned to save this landscape.

Yorkshire Gardens Trust
Save Parlington Action Group

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith