GT Volunteer of the Year Award 2019 now open

The GT Volunteer of the Year Award 2019 is now open for entries.  This annual award celebrates the efforts of people who have made a special contribution to the work of the Gardens Trust or their County or Country Gardens Trust. It honours the volunteers whose efforts have greatly added to the conservation, enjoyment and understanding of designed gardens, parks and landscapes.

Do you know a volunteer who has made a real difference to the Gardens Trust or your CGT? Is there someone that you, or your CGT committee, would like to nominate? If so, take the first step to recognise their work by completing the award form below. Please give as much information as you can so that the judges know how much they have done. Any member of a CGT or the Gardens Trust can nominate someone for the award. However, we recommend that you ask a member of your local CGT committee or the GT board to second your proposal. In 2018 the GT Volunteer of the Year award was given jointly to Jill Plater and Sally Bate (pictured). To find out why they won the award, read more here.

Eligibility and judging

The areas of voluntary work that are eligible include:

  • administration, from stalwart secretarial assistance to developing membership or involving volunteers
  • communications, such as producing newsletters, journals or books, photography or mounting exhibitions
  • conservation, to include site visits, planning, public enquiries or practical conservation
  • education/schools/colleges work, whether developing practical schools projects or learning skills and good practice
  • events like visits, tours, talks, lectures, conferences or national and CGT celebrations
  • projects from restoration or contemporary garden projects to working on community or public parks
  • research, including archives, field surveys, checking data or training

Please note that Directors of the Gardens Trust are not eligible for nomination.

A panel of judges will review all the short-listed nominations. The award will then be announced at the Gardens Trust AGM at Queen’s College Oxford on Saturday 7 September 2019.

Please return completed forms by Sunday 21 July 2019 to Teresa Forey, Gardens Trust Finance Officer/CGT Coordinator, at: If you have any queries, please email Teresa or phone 020 7251 2610.

2019 Volunteer of the Year Award Nomination form

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith