Gardens Trust Team now Carbon Literacy Certified

We’re proud to announce that we are Certified Carbon Literate, following training on the impacts of climate change on both our personal lives as well as in the workplace.

Delivered by Historic Buildings & Places over two morning sessions, we undertook training that improved our knowledge and increased our confidence that we can create a positive shift in how we live and work in response to climate change. Although we face many threats from a warming world and the future may feel uncertain, it was heartening to learn about how we can all make changes and choices (even tiny ones!) that will help mitigate the impacts of climate change.

From printing less, to switching off our phones and laptops at night, making different food choices or thinking about how we travel to events, we all made our own individual pledges on how we intend to lower our carbon footprints now and in the future.

"Even though I’d been worrying about the climate crisis for decades and trying to do my bit, this course was an absolute wake-up call. I was made to realise (in a totally non-judgemental way) that I really wasn’t doing enough and that if we don't reduce our carbon use, then our world as we know it, including the beautiful landscapes we treasure, simply won’t survive. It spelled out what we can do, as individuals and organisations, to reduce our carbon footprints and how a lot of this can benefit us, as well as the environment. I found the process an interesting mixture of shocking, fascinating and hopeful and I really recommend it to everyone."

Two women, one holding an umbrella in a yellow coat the other in a black hooded coat, walking through a park in the rain.

We’re currently at the beginning of our journey towards wasting less, recycling more and lowering our carbon footprint but this training has helped us feel that we can make a meaningful difference, all whilst helping to protect, conserve and promote the historic green spaces we all love.

If you’re interested in improving your Carbon Literacy, places are available on upcoming courses this Autumn, delivered by Historic Buildings and Places. Places are £10 per person and can be booked here: Training – Historic Buildings & Places (

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith