A case study day to help you reach more people.

The Gardens Trust has been working on a Lottery-funded project to learn how to share our passion for historic parks and gardens with new people and gather more supporters for this vulnerable heritage.

We have tested 5 pilot activities that can be readily repeated by others – we have faced the learning curve so you don’t have to!

Join us to hear first-hand accounts of the pilots from the volunteers who ran them, and pick their brains to see how they worked. The day is intended to showcase a project that we are all very proud of, but also help inspire and guide anyone who may also be thinking about trying to reach new people.

This is a free event hosted by the Gardens Trust, but places are limited so please book via sharinglandscapes@thegardenstrust.org by 8th November 2019. It will be held in the Dickens Room at the Birmingham and Midland Institute.

Sharing the Adventure: Programme

10.30am: Tea and coffee

11.00am: Overview
(Linden Groves, the Gardens Trust)

11.15pm: A 3-generation Family Excursion to Wicksteed Park, Northamptonshire
(Elaine Johnson and Carol Fitzgerald, Northamptonshire Gardens Trust)

11.45am: An Open Day for All at Catton Park, Norfolk
(Sally Bate, Norfolk Gardens Trust)

12.15pm : A Garden History Social Event at Blaise Castle, Bristol
(Ros Delany, Avon Gardens Trust)

12.30pm: The Garden History Lucky Dip – the 21st century lecture alternative!
(Audrey Gerber, Avon Gardens Trust)

12.45pm: Discussion

1.00pm: Lunch
(with an opportunity to play the Garden History Lucky Dip, view a display of audience development materials, and have a go at some of the piloted activities)

1.45pm : An Introductory Conservation Workshop at Kenwood and Russell Square, London
(Barbara Deason, London Parks and Gardens Trust)

2.15pm : Research and Recording for new volunteers at Warley Woods, the Black Country
(introducing Warley Woods’ newest volunteers!)

2.45pm: Discussion

3.00pm: Tea and coffee

3.30pm: A Research and Recording primary school project
(Suzanne Carter, freelance engagement consultant)

4.00pm: Discussion

4.15pm: Broadening our Horizons: a look to the future
(Linden Groves, the Gardens Trust)

4.30pm: Close