Protecting Historic Parks and Gardens: The Full Monty!

Historic Landscape Project Training Day

The Goods Shed, 31 Gumstool Hill, Tetbury, GL8 8EY

Friday 2nd March 2018

Understanding the finer points of planning.

 Background: Despite their popularity, the historic parks and gardens that we love are easily lost, as they are vulnerable to decay, development, and a lack of understanding. The Gardens Trust is a statutory consultee in the planning system and every year receives some 1500 planning applications that may affect historic parks and gardens, and this figure is expected to rise. To fulfil this demanding role, the GT relies on the volunteer manpower and localised knowledge of the County Gardens Trusts to make comments on the planning applications in their areas.

Aim: This day will take you through the finer points of planning, appeals and national and local policy, giving you all the skills and confidence needed to help protect historic designed landscapes from planning threats. We will be hearing from experienced Trusts, Historic England and the Gardens Trust’s Conservation Officer. The Full Monty is the final part of a three part planning training programme, but is also suitable for those who have not attended the previous sessions.

A free event, with a suggested donation of £7 towards lunchtime catering.

Please contact for more information or to book a place.