Edward Kemp (1817–91): Landscape Gardener

We have just published a new on-line issue of our journal Garden History. Dr Barbara Simms, our Honorary Journal Editor introduces it:

The Gardens Trust is pleased to devote a special online issue of Garden History, its international academic journal, to the proceedings of the one-day symposium on the Landscape Gardener Edward Kemp (1817–91). Held on the Wirral, UK, in October 2017, the symposium brought together experts on Kemp’s life and wide-ranging design commissions, with a particular focus on his longstanding management of Birkenhead Park.

This special issue has been made possible by the generosity of Historic England, whose support we greatly value. My thanks to Professor Robert Lee, who liaised closely with the symposium speakers to ensure a comprehensive coverage of Kemp’s work, as presented in the papers forming this issue. Thanks also to the authors themselves, who have made it possible to disseminate their findings on this significant nineteenth-century park, garden and landscape gardener to an audience far beyond the symposium itself.

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith