Conservation of Architectural Ironwork CPD Course

The NHIG is running two CPD courses in 2013 on the Conservation of Architectural Ironwork.
Hampton Court 20 & 21 May 2013
York 7 & 8 November 2013
Aimed at professionals and craftspeople, this course is an introduction to the conservation of ironwork. Delegates will learn the basic principles of assessing historic ironwork in situ and make decisions about its care. Tender procedures often require the commissioner of the work to have knowledge of the medium in order to procure the best value. We are offering you this knowledge with lectures designed to equip those wishing to commission work on listed ironwork, whether architects, surveyors or conservation professionals, with information they will find essential in the writing of specifications.
For further information please email or call 01845 501072

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith