Back issues of Garden History & JSTOR

Once again all of Garden History will soon be back in print. Thanks to some of the benefits of modern technology, and our relationship with JSTOR, whose very high quality scans we have been able to make use of, it is now possible to produce very small batches of those issues that we have run out of. We aim to maintain stocks of all issues, especially the themed ones, and they continue to sell on paper, at the maintained price of £15 (UK only) including postage and packing, overseas pricing on demand.

It is becoming apparent however that many readers of our Journal now do so online. Thanks to JSTOR’s 5282 institutional members, nearly all of our 1,348 published articles have now been at least looked at since we went on-line in 2005, with some 122,888 individual article viewings, some 45,344 of them then being printed off.

We still maintain our three-year cut off, so that to read the very latest articles you do have to be a member, but we feel our presence in JSTOR is considerably enhancing our educational role. If JSTOR did not exist, we would find it much more difficult to reach the ever expanding student body, and, thanks to Google, students in other disciplines are becoming aware of garden history. Incidentally the fee raised by our JSTOR membership is ploughed back into the Society’s publications budget, as well as a proportion going to support the JSTOR mission.

The most read article remains Ancient Mesopotamian Gardens and the Identification of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon Resolved by Stephanie Dalley (21:1, Summer 1993), which 1,624 people have looked at, presumably not all of them in the US military…

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith