From Indignation to Engagement

The GHS cares. Do you? When you join the Garden History Society you help both to enjoy and protect the heritage gardens and parks of this country. Meet people with like minded interests, support our role as statutory consultee. Do you know Indignation ? It was published in 2000, the authors are heroes of the GHS – Mavis Batey, David Lambert and Kim Wilkie. After the success of History Matters in 2006 and the continuing English Heritage drive towards greater public awareness of the heritage of the commonplace, it should not be surprising that INDIGNATION has the potential to become to become a public manifesto for the 21st century. I recommend it.

To our newest members, who joined us over the Christmas and New Year may I offer a very warm welcome; also to those members who have chosen to renew . If you are not yet a member or supporter now is the time to move towards engagement. Together with our fellow members we can aim to Protect and Enjoy England and Scotland’s parks and gardens even more over the coming year.

Colin Treen, Chairman

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith