Judith Christie and Juliet Wilmot awarded Volunteer of the Year

Judith Christie and Juliet Wilmot were announced as the joint winners of the 2019 Gilly Drummond Volunteer of the Year Award at the Gardens Trust AGM on Saturday 7th September.

Both nominees are loyal and committed supporters who have made an outstanding contribution to their trust. Sadly, neither were able to be at the AGM to collect their award. These two nominations stood out because both Judith and Juliet have made outstanding contributions which have helped their trust grow and extend its reach.

Judith has contributed widely to Cambridgeshire Gardens Trust. This award recognises the important role she has played in nurturing and guiding the trust over a long period.

Juliet is selected for the award for her outstanding education and schools initiatives, which concluded in 2018, as well as her support for the Wiltshire Gardens Trust over many years.

Our warmest congratulations and thanks to them both.

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith