Calling all National Trust members: will you help us?

The Gardens Trust needs the help of all its supporters who are members of the National Trust to ensure that our voice continues to be heard on the National Trust’s governing body.

In its review of nominating bodies to their Council, the National Trust has advised that the Gardens Trust will appear on the ballot paper but will not be a ‘recommended’ organisation to remain on the Council. If we are not re-elected to Council, the Gardens Trust, as the Government’s Statutory Consultee, will no longer have a voice within the National Trust regarding over 250 historic landscapes in its care.

Gardens Trust and County Gardens Trust members, and our other supporters, who are also members of the National Trust have a chance to ensure that our views on historic landscapes continue to guide the National Trust’s work by using your vote to champion the Gardens Trust to remain a vocal and effective member of National Trust Council. We all need to remain vigilant and work collaboratively with professionals, our members and County Gardens Trusts, who have a major role to play in protecting these sites for future generations to enjoy.

The National Trust’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 20 October 2018 at the STEAM museum in Swindon. Information will be sent to National Trust members and is available on their website here and you can vote online here (you will simply need your NT membership number). The deadline is 11.59pm on Friday 12 October 2018.

Last year only about 30,000 members used their vote, out of a total of over 5 million members. Please could I ask you, if you are a National Trust member, to take a few moments to return the ballot papers or vote online, and to vote FOR the Gardens Trust to continue to have a representative on Council. Your vote will make a difference!

Many thanks for your support.

Dr James Bartos
Chair, The Gardens Trust

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith