‘THE PUBLIC PARKS CRISIS’ Training Day, 26th April 2018
An Historic Landscape Project Training Day
Abington Park Museum, Park Avenue South, Northampton, NN1 5LW
Public Parks are suffering due to severe funding cuts during this period of austerity. Learn how the crisis came about, how parks have been affected and what your County Gardens Trust can do to help to protect your local parks. Speakers will include Erika Diaz Petersen, of Historic England; the Friends of Abington Park; David Lambert, director of the Parks Agency and Gardens Trust Board Member; and Katy Layton-Jones, of the University of Leicester. Together, David and Katy have provided evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee inquiry into the future of public parks and produced the Gardens Trust’s accompanying report, ‘Uncertain Prospects’.
Tickets free for CGT/Gardens Trust members, with a suggested donation of £7 towards lunchtime catering; £40 for non-members (with one year’s membership of the Gardens Trust included), payable at event registration.
Please email tamsinmcmillan@thegardenstrust.org to reserve a place. Booking deadline 19th April.