Repton 200 events

Repton logoRepton 200 events, celebrating Humphry Repton’s work on the bicentenary of his death, are being planned around the country. We will be post details here as they are confirmed. If you are organising an event and would like to publicise it here please email details to

Humphry Repton in Hertfordshire, 29 January, Woolmer Green, Hertfordshire
Anne Rowe, landscape historian and co-ordinator of the research work of HGT, will share the results of their review of every site in Hertfordshire with which Repton has been associated, revealing a number of new perspectives along the way. FULLY BOOKED.

Revealing Repton lectures by Stephen Daniels, 31 January, London & 15 March, Bath
In the Gardens Trust Winter Lecture Stephen Daniels will talk about new approaches to understanding and communicating the art of landscape gardening, and imaginative ways to commemorate the cultural significance of Repton’s work and legacy. Book for London here or Bath here

A Day with Humphry Repton – History workshop, Saturday 24 March 2018, Aylsham
A day workshop with Tom Williamson, Professor of landscape history and archaeology at UEA. Find out about Repton’s style, the differences from that of his predecessor Capability Brown and how Repton’s style reflected his ideas about landscape and society. Book here

Celebrating Humphry Repton Anniversary at Scrivelsby, Saturday March 24 2018, 2pm
A garden tour with Steffie Shields for Lincolnshire Gardens Trust at Scrivelsby Court, Near Horncastle LN9 6JA Refreshments and an opportunity to view Repton’s 1790 Scrivelsby Red Book, courtesy of Mrs Susan Dymoke. Members £10 Non-members £12 Booking essential: contact details

Humphry Repton Study Day, 21 April 2018, Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire
Learn about Repton the man and his work from landscape historian Keir Davidson, author of Woburn Abbey, the Park and Gardens, see his most complete landscape and the Woburn Red Book, on display for the first time. Information Repton Study Day Woburn Book here

Repton Study Day at Leigh Court, 25 April 2018, 10am
A celebration of the work of Humphry Repton at Leigh Court, where Repton produced one of his last Red Books in 1814. The day includes talks by David Lambert, Stephen Daniels, Ben Lennon and Michael Richardson followed by a guided tour of Leigh Court. Tickets cost £60 including a buffet lunch. Organised jointly by Avon Gardens Trust and Gloucestershire Gardens & Landscape Trust. Full details and booking form here

Repton in Bedfordshire, 27 April 2018, Moggerhanger Park, Bedfordshire
Renton worked at Woburn Abbey, The Hazells in Sandy, Moggerhanger Park and Battlesden Park. The study day will include an overview of Repton as a landscape artist by Kate Harwood, research by BGT volunteers on Repton sites and guided tours of the landscape at Moggerhanger Park. Book here

Repton Memorial Lecture, Saturday 19 May, Aylsham Parish Church, Norfolk
Stephen Daniels, Professor of Cultural Geography at the University of Nottingham and author of Humphry Repton: Landscape Gardening and the Geography of Georgian England, will look at the way that Repton has been interpreted and commemorated. Book here

The Prophet in his own country: 3 Repton Gardens in Norfolk, 1-2 June 2018, Cromer, Norfolk
The Norfolk Gardens Trust, in association with the Gardens Trust, are holding a two-day conference based in Cromer, with speakers including Professor Tom Williamson, Dr Jon Finch and Dominic Cole, and visits to Sheringham, Aylsham, Honing Hall and Barningham Hall.  FULLY BOOKED