Suffolk Volunteers win Heritage Champion Award

Volunteers working on the Suffolk’s Unforgettable Garden Story project are the proud recipients of a Heritage Champion Award from the Suffolk Preservation Society.

Now in its second year, the Heritage Champion Awards aims to recognise the work of local people and communities who are dedicated to looking after Suffolk’s historic places and buildings.

Thanks to this dedicated team of volunteers our Historic England funded project with Suffolk Gardens Trust has been an overwhelming success, resulting in the research of more than 20 historic parks and gardens and 7 new additions to the National Heritage List for England, giving these sites a better level of protection in the planning system.

Linden Groves, Head of Operations and Strategy at the Gardens Trust says “We are absolutely thrilled for the Suffolk Gardens Trust researchers that their outstanding work conserving historic parks and gardens has been recognised by this award. Well done everyone!”.

Other winners of the award can be found here and include: John Norman for his contribution to the heritage of Suffolk and Ipswich as Chair of the Ipswich Society; The Excelsior Trust for their restoration of the sailing trawler Excelsior LT 472 and; The Hadleigh Society in protecting and restoring the Hadleigh Holloway.

Fiona Cairns, Director of the Suffolk Preservation Society, said “At a time when funding for local councils is under the most intense pressure imaginable, the existence of such volunteers ensures that Suffolk’s heritage is not without its champions.”

“On behalf of the Suffolk Preservation Society, I would like to thank all our winners for making that vital difference.”

The winners will receive their award from Architectural Historian, Jeremy
Musson at the Suffolk Preservation Society summer event at Heveningham Hall on 18 July.

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith