Leaving a legacy to support the work of the Garden History Society in Scotland

The Garden History Society in Scotland Conservation Trust is a Scottish Charity (Scottish charity number SC034618) constituted under a Declaration of Trust and granted recognition as a charity on 24 August 2003.

The Trust was set up by the Scottish Group of The Garden History Society, to safeguard, hold and disperse funds raised in Scotland specifically for the Society’s work in Scotland.

Aims of the Garden History Society in Scotland

To foster public understanding and enjoyment of Scotland’s Gardens and their history.

To identify, record, and protect this aspect of Scotland’s unique cultural and natural heritage.

To secure good management of Scottish Gardens, Parks and Designed Landscapes.

To ensure that Parks, Gardens and Designed Landscapes contribute to the wider context: education, health, culture, the economy, tourism and the promotion of social justice.

To encourage the creation of new Parks, Gardens and Designed Landscapes in Scotland for future generations to cherish and enjoy.

The Office of the Garden History Society in Scotland and that of the Garden History Society in Scotland Conservation Trust is: The Glasite Meeting House, 33 Barony Street, Edinburgh, EH3 6NX. Tel: 0131-557 5717.

Legacies to the Garden History Society in Scotland Conservation Trust

If you are considering leaving a legacy, you should consider making a will in order to ensure that your money goes where you want. All you have to do is to speak to your solicitor. In order to assist you with this matter we have compiled guidance notes. If you would like to know more, please call the Garden History Society in Scotland Chairman, Tel: 0131-557 5717 or e-mail: scotland@gardenhistorysociety.org—to receive a copy of the relevant guidance notes.


The Garden History Society in Scotland urgently needs financial support to carry out its work and warmly welcomes donations. Donations may be made for specific projects, or for general funds. To find out more please contact the Edinburgh office.

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith