Half-term activities for all the family

With half-term coming up, here are some ideas for fun activities for all the family based on our Sharing Repton project. We used these activities to engage families visiting historic landscapes but they can all be done in your local park, street or even back garden. So they are ideal if you are having to […]

Community parks and gardens combat Covid

Volunteer gardeners at Chichele

An important but often overlooked part of the UK’s landscape heritage is owned and run not by local authorities, national organisations, or private families, but by independent charities with very special community relationships. Here, we look at how these community parks and gardens have fared through Covid. Warley Woods: riding the storm Warley Woods in […]

GT welcomes the cap on National Trust landscape redundancies

National Trust redundancies affect landscape staff

The Gardens Trust sincerely regrets the scale of the redundancies announced today by the National Trust and the impact this will have on their heritage responsibilities. We are relieved to note, however, that our appeals to protect their landscape and garden conservation work have been heeded, with a cap on redundancies in this sector. Today, […]