Barton Hall From Repton to Wicksteed
How many of the millions of visitors to Wicksteed Park, Kettering, “The Place where Fun was Invented”, would know of its association with Barton Hall and the last great landscape designer of the eighteenth century, a man who was the first to describe himself as a Garden Designer, Humphry Repton? As we stand in the […]
Conservation status failing to protect registered parks & gardens
The Gardens Trust (GT) and County Gardens Trusts are dismayed by the outcome of three cases in just the past ten days where the planning system has lamentably failed to protect Registered Parks and Gardens, despite our formal objections to the proposed developments. Decisions that will detrimentally impact the heritage value of Fountains Abbey and […]
Repton exhibition at Saling Grove Essex
The Repton exhibition at Saling Grove, Essex explores his career and influence from Essex to New York, and looks at the future of the park and gardens Repton designed there. Repton’s landscape at Saling Grove is currently under threat from a proposed housing development, so it is particularly timely to honour him with an exhibition […]
Two MBEs awarded for garden history
The Gardens Trust, county/country gardens trusts, and Historic England are celebrating the great news of two MBEs that have been awarded for achievements in the garden history world. Steffie Shields (left) is recognised as a great ambassador for garden heritage and her work with the Gardens Trust and county gardens trusts. Her nomination will have […]
Sharing Repton training day: Events for everyone
The first Sharing Repton training day will take place on 11th July 2018 in Bloomsbury, London, near Repton’s Russell Square (pictured). The day will be an accessible workshop to give event organisers a toolkit of skills to use during this year’s Celebrating Humphry Repton events and beyond. The Repton celebrations have seen an astonishing plethora […]