Update on the GHS and AGT merger

At this stage there is little more to report except that the documentation to allow the merger to go ahead is nearly complete. All the draft documents defining the merger have been published on our temporary website so that members of both organisations can consult them there.

The website contains all the information about the merger, with pages devoted to the process, our proposed new name The Gardens Trust, our new constitution, the members of the transitional committee, a timeline, and other relevant documents.

The merger process has been undertaken by a transitional committee with members being drawn from both the AGT and the GHS. Expert help has been accessed where required from within the existing organisations or from third parties.

The respective councils of the AGT and GHS, have now agreed to the process and papers will be sent out concerning the series of Meetings to be held on the afternoon of Friday 24 July in Newcastle upon Tyne later in June.

This package will be sent out together with the 50th anniversary timeline of the GHS, as an additional celebration of the first 50 years of the Society.

It only remains to encourage as many of you to vote in person at Newcastle University on Friday 24 July, or by postal or proxy vote following the receipt of your Voting Papers later this month.

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith