Mapping Repton landscapes

As part of the celebrations of Humphry Repton’s bicentenary, Historic England have added Humphry Repton’s landscapes to their interactive map of Designed Landscapes, which was created as part of the Capability Brown Festival.

The map not only shows where Repton’s landscapes are, but also has links to aerial photographs of them, which give a fascinating insight into the surviving work of both Humphry Repton and Capability Brown.

The map has nearly 10,000 modern images of landscapes designed by Repton and Brown, as well as over 1,000 historic photographs from the Aerofilms archive.  You can also click through to the relevant entry on the Historic England Register of parks and gardens, which gives full details of the history and development of the landscape. This is a fantastic resource for researchers, and provides very enjoyable browsing for anyone wanting to get an overview of Repton’s work.

You can also find information about other research and the Moggerhanger Red Book on the Historic England Humphry Repton Landscapes page.

We hope you will enjoy exploring Historic England’s map.

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith