Gardens Trust conference in Yorkshire Cancelled

The Gardens Trust has decided with great regret that, in the current uncertain circumstances, there is no viable alternative to cancelling the conference weekend in North Yorkshire which was planned for 4 – 6 September 2020. We consider that we would be unable to provide a safe experience for our members and, additionally, that members may not wish to travel or otherwise be exposed to public places. Those who had already booked for the conference have been contacted directly and will receive a full refund.

The good news is that, all being well, we hope to be able to hold the conference over the same weekend (3-5 September) next year. Our venue hosts and speakers have agreed to move the visits to their diaries for next year, and we have reserved rooms and the conference suite at the Holiday Inn. Providing that restrictions on travel and public gatherings have eased, we expect to open booking in spring 2021 and those who had booked this year will receive priority booking. We would like to thank all those who have put so much effort into organising the conference, and hope that this will bear fruit in North Yorkshire next year.

We are currently exploring ways of holding our AGM and the New Research Symposium, the latter possibly as an open, virtual event. Watch out for announcements about our plans for that soon.

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith