The C18th English Landscape Movement pioneered a new approach to farming the land which gives great inspiration for the issues we face today

The English landscape, farming and gardening have always been interwoven in practical and productive good sense. This developed boldly and rapidly at the beginning of the eighteenth century when English ideas about landscape broke away dramatically from the ornamental patterns of the Dutch and French in a poetic, philosophical and pastoral revolution. The intimate relationship with farming and natural systems has remained a fundamental part of English landscape and culture to this day.

About the Speaker: After 25 years of running his own practice, Kim now works as a strategic and conceptual landscape consultant. He collaborates with architects and landscape architects around the world and combines designing with the muddy practicalities of running a small farm in Hampshire, where he is now based. Kim studied history at Oxford and landscape architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, before setting up his landscape studio in London in 1989.