When you love a subject as much as we do, it’s easy to lose track of how to best tell the story in a way that everyone else will find interesting too!

This workshop, part of Sharing Repton, and hosted with Brighton Museums, is intended for anyone who would like to be able to share their knowledge of garden history with a wide range of people. Leading Interpretation Consultant Steve Slack (www.steveslack.co.uk) will take us through the Why, How and What of making our leaflets and displays as effective as possible.

Programme for the day

Please note, no food or drink is allowed in the Museum, so please have any tea or coffee you may require before arriving. The Museum is next to the Royal Pavilion – see https://brightonmuseums.org.uk/brighton/ for details.

10.30am       An optional look at the reproduction Royal Pavilion Red Book with Dr Alexandra Loske, Curator, Royal Pavilion, Collections Projects

11.00am      Start and Welcome (Linden Groves, The Gardens Trust)

11.10pm       What Message and Why? (Steve Slack, Interpretation Consultant)

12.00pm       How to Tell your Story (Steve Slack)

1.00pm         Lunch at the Royal Pavilion Tearoom (included)

1.45pm         Leaflets and Displays: A Drafting Exercise (Steve Slack)

3.00pm         A word on Royal Pavilion interpretation
(Dr Alexandra Loske, Curator (Royal Pavilion, Collections Projects)

3.15pm       Close of workshop, start of Pavilion visit.

Following the workshop, there will be a short visit to the Royal Pavilion at which Steve will help us to consider the Interpretation examples there. Please confirm when booking that you will be joining this group so that we can pre-purchase your ticket.

5.15pm       Interpretation tour ends and Pavilion closes.

This is a free workshop, but places are limited, so please book by emailing sharinglandscapes@thegardenstrust.org before 29th November.