Tabley gate lodge landscape protected

Tabley gate lodge showing earth mound

The Gardens Trust is pleased that, following GT’s objections based on information from the Cheshire Gardens Trust, retrospective planning permission has been refused for damaging works to the Grade II registered landscape of the 18th century White Lodge, one of the gate lodges of Tabley House, near Knutsford. Work had started to re-grade the land, […]

Repton Family Picnic ‘at the place where fun was invented’

Repton Family Picnic

Northamptonshire Gardens Trust hosted a Repton Family Picnic on a gloriously sunny 30th June at Wicksteed Park in Kettering. This fun day celebrating Repton was the third annual Gardens Trust Family Picnic and a wonderful mix of generations enjoyed the day. Grandparents, children, grandchildren and friends took part in a range of activities themed around celebrating […]

Over 100 organisations sign Parks Charter

Parks Charter, People in Brunswick Square

Over 100 organisations have signed up to the Parks Charter in just ten days. The Parks Charter is a wake-up call to government to protect our parks because of the serious long-term damage being caused by budget cuts and lack of investment. Unless politicians act now, parks will go into serious decline, become problem spaces, […]

14th Mavis Batey Essay Prize winner declared

14th Mavis Batey Essay Prize winner declared Dr David Marsh, chair of judging panel writes: The judges for the Mavis Batey Essay Prize met in June 2018, and were very pleased to award the prize to Goh Ngee Chae Joshua of Singapore, the unanimous choice as winner of this year’s award. Congratulations! The judges were […]