The Gardens Trust photograph(s)

The TGT needs you!

Dr Jim Bartos, new TGT Chairman, set us a challenge as the AGM drew to a close. Go out and recruit one new member each. Of course if we succeeded in this we would double our membership by the end of the year, which would be fantastic, and mean the new organisation would be speaking with an even stronger voice.

You will find that our membership rates are still pegged at the rate they were set at many years ago, and a temporary form can be found at the back of our latest news (96), or downloaded here. Please do what you can to recruit new members; we value every one of you.

Mind you it is not exactly easy to organise the existing lot, as marshals on our recent Conference in and around Newcastle, found out.

Life Member David Gedye, of whom more in our next edition, had organised for the assembled masses to be photographed at Alnwick Gardens by his cousin Margaret Whittaker. The composite result can be seen above, with a little help from photoshop! Margaret’s original version in three separate photographs, can be found on our website for download, or prints can be ordered. To say that getting all our members in place to take a picture was like herding cats, does cats an injustice…

Margaret’s original photographs can be ordered from her on application.

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Painswick Roccoco Gardens, the Red House, Photo © Joab Smith